Confronting Child Sexual Abuse: The Rabbi’s Role
Gain a better understanding of how and when abuse takes place and who is at risk, as well as how to respond on a pastoral, emotional and legal level when you become aware that a child was abused. Additionally, learn aspects of abuse prevention on a communal and institutional level, including formulating appropriate local policies and safety training.
Chosson Teacher Training
Learn the skills of a chosson teacher beyond hilchos niddah, including how to guide chossonim in issues related to sexuality and intimacy, and how to prepare newly engaged couples for the wedding and married life with strong foundations in communication, conflict resolution and financial management.
Confronting End of Life Issues: The Rabbi’s Role
This course will provide a broader understanding of the issues surrounding “end of life” care and the rabbi’s role during this process. Participants will gain unique medical and halachic perspective relating to the commonly performed procedures, treatment of cancer and hospice patients, living wills and medical proxies, and pastoral care of the family involved in a medical crisis.
Confronting Mental Health Issues: The Rabbi’s Role
Leaders in the mental health field and experienced rabbis will provide guidance and direction regarding the rabbi’s role in confronting issues of mental health. Depression, ADHD, eating disorders, addictions, anxiety, and suicidality are among the topics that will be addressed, providing rabbis with an overview of these conditions and how they can support congregants and their families in dealing with them.
Advanced Public Speaking: Drashas and Shiurim from Good to Great
This course will provide rabbis with innovative tools on preparing for shiurim and drashas from a broad range of topics, with a specific focus on how to locate and include interesting and relevant materials. Presenters will share their methodology and tips for research, content and delivery for each of the various subjects.
Rabbinic Marriage and Family Counseling: The Rabbi’s Role - Part I
This course will empower you with skills and techniques to better assist in counseling couples and families through challenges encountered. The course explores the rabbi’s role is in each situation and how to effectively engage and partner with the couples, families and mental health professionals in formulating and implementing a counseling plan.
This course will empower you with skills and techniques to better assist in counseling couples and families through challenges encountered. The course explores the rabbi’s role in difficult marital situations encountered (ex. pornography, spousal abuse), in the divorce process (mediation, the Get process and co-parenting), and in challenging family situations (ex. struggling with sexual identity, adoption).
As a rabbinic leader in today’s world, you’re at the front lines of every community crisis: from illness to marriage counseling, infertility to abuse, and so much more. With the increasing complexity of issues facing congregants, it’s imperative to acquire new skill sets and expertise.
Each CRE (Continuing Rabbinic Education) course includes video and audio recordings, handouts and supplementary materials to learn on-demand, what you want when you want. Course presenters are available to provide personal guidance on the issues covered in each course. Course offerings will expand as we develop new topics throughout the year.
Our comprehensive, curated online courses combine the experience and knowledge of experts in the field, poskim, and senior pulpit rabbis who put the training into a real life context. These courses will give you much more than information — they will make you a better, more effective rabbi.
Some of Our Presenters

Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz
Dean of Yeshiva Darchei Noam, Director of Project YES and Noted Lecturer on Child Abuse

Dr. David Pelcovitz, PhD
Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus Chair in Psychology and Jewish Education at Yeshiva University’s Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration

Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman, MD
Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Rabbi Mordechai Willig
Rosh Yeshiva, RIETS, Yeshiva University and Rabbi, Young Israel of Riverdale
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